At what age should a computer be replaced?


Age of your computer – The industry standard for replacing a desktop or laptop is every three to four years. This is mostly because the costs of repairing an older computer begin to rise substantially – to 50% of its purchase price and more, after four years.
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How much RAM for gaming?

How to Choose RAM for a Gaming PC - Intel

So, if you want enough overhead to keep playing new releases in the future, 16GB of RAM is recommended. If you plan to do more than just gaming, consider 32GB. This gives you the freedom to live-stream, group-chat on Discord, and have YouTube or Twitch open in the background.
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Is it worth fixing a 4 year old computer?

What is better, to get a 4 year old laptop repaired or to buy a new one?

The degree of damage, the cost of repair, and your budget all play a role in determining whether to buy a new laptop or fix your four-year-old one. It might be more affordable to repair the laptop if the damage is minor and it serves your purposes.Oct 17, 2016
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Is 5 hours a day too much screen time?

Screen time and children: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Added together, all types of screen time can total 5 to 7 hours a day. Too much screen time can: Make it hard for your child to sleep at night. Raise your child's risk for attention problems, anxiety, and depression.Apr 25, 2023
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Is 64gb RAM overkill for gaming?

Is 64GB of ram overkill for a gaming PC :: Hardware and Operating ...

64gb is 2x overkill. Yes, I would not go higher then 32 GB to be on the safe side with future releases, just very little point in 64 GB for gaming currently. So if that system is going to last you a while may as well go for 32 if able. 16gb is plenty.
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Can I use my own computer for remote work?

Working Remotely - Right Equipment - KU Information Technology

A laptop computer is needed for most remote work situations, particularly short-term or hybrid schedules. A desktop PC may be appropriate for employees who are working remotely in longer-term or permanent situations. You will also need a charging cable, mouse, audio headset, and other peripherals.
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